Do I need to have a Netflix subscription?
Yes. In order to use our tool, you need to have an active Netflix subscription.
Is this tool only available on Netflix?
Yes. At the moment this tool can only be used on Netflix series.
Is it possible to use the tool on the mobile phone, tablet or smart TV?
Not at the moment. Our tool is a Chrome Extension, which means it can only be used on this browser through a computer.
Is this tool only available for Chrome?
Yes. Our tool is a Chrome Extension, which means it can only be used on this browser.
Can I pay with credit card?
Yes! When checking out through the Paypal window there is an option to pay with your credit card without a Paypal account.
Is English the only language we can learn with the tool?
Yes. At the moment it is only possible to learn English. We intend to add other languages in the future.
I don't think the translation is right. What can I do?
The translations can always be edited in your "My Words". If you are not sure about the translation, you can always ask about it in our Community page.
There is no translation available. What can I do?
You can add the word anyway and add your own translation later! The translations can always be edited in your "My Words".
I can't understand the translation of a word. What can I do?
Don't worry! Our team of linguists will always be there for you. If a word or sentence is difficult to understand you can ask for an explanation in our Community page!